CCD Astronomy
New Images December 11, 1999
M31 The Andromeda Galaxy
40:10:10:20 LR(G)B image of M31 using 4" Traveler at f/6 and ST8/CFW8
camera. December
11, 1999, Valencia, CA.
M42 The Great Nebula in Orion
5:5:5:10 LRGB image using 4" Traveler at f/6 and ST8/CFW8 camera. December
11, 1999, Valencia, CA.
M42 is one of those objects that's so bright, you can image it even
from light polluted
suburban skies. This image shows one long stream of dust stretching
from the intruding
dust cloud just to the northeast of the Trapezium, all the way to the
southwest. This is
a feature that I never noticed before.